Hollywood 4 Freedom is an organization of entertainment industry professionals unwilling to compromise our individual liberties and collectively driven by our divine purpose to create a Hollywood for free thinkers. Hollywood 4 Freedom utilizes a professional industry database to bridge together artists, crew members and content creators, to production companies, investors and distributors committed to supporting traditional American values, rights and freedoms. To accomplish this mission, we aim to make use of various forms of entertainment and media outlets, including but not limited to productions, educational seminars, professional development workshops, skilled trainings, special events and fundraisers.
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FREEDOMWe are committed to standing up for American freedoms and constitutional rights within the entertainment industry.
TRUTHWe are advocates for truth, founded upon our faith and an unshakeable biblical perspective.
COMMUNITYWe are building a community of Hollywood free thinkers committed to creating and producing content that is free of woke propaganda.
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